Sunday, 22 December 2013

2013 is finally coming to an end. Faster than I expected! What have a achieved the past 1 year? Damn son. Well to be honest I can't wait to start 2014. Hopefully better times will come and make us all happy. 

So it's best making peace with the things you've done in 2013 before it actually ends! It's sad that I'm spending my new year out of the country away from my family and friends. 

I thought this 2 weeks of holidays is for us to have our deserving breaks....But bloody hell weeks are packed with full of events and activities. Got to finish up Sound Design's UT2 project...Why don't the school just give us protools....basket gotta go up and down just to edit tracks. Still, can't wait for that! 

" I hate leaving you and being away from you. Can't wait for what's to come in the future. Sometimes I just wanna star gaze with ya but sadly this is a shit country and people aren't allowed to express themselves."  

Friday, 13 December 2013

Every moment spent with's like I'm falling in love again. 

Sunday, 17 November 2013

"When the daylight comes, I would have to go but tonight I want to hold you so close" - Maroon 5

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Probably the band's new logo. Can't wait for the Indonesian tour later in December! 

October has been great so far. Still adapting to the classes and modules. It really sucks knowing you're not with your classmates anymore. Everyday is meeting new lads & lasses which I am ok with but it's not the same. Nothing last forever innit? I am loving my Fridays now. Hehe met a few great people whom I would love to get to know more about! Well it's only the first week....anything could happen. It's the lovely weekend and I spent it watching 4 seasons of Friends on me bed. It's getting a little bit addictive I'll say. I really need to have a couple of pints with the lads though. Everyone is so busy with National Slavery, work & school. I feel like I am slacking most of the time. It also sucks knowing that I won't be able to play for "POLITE" this year...what a disappointment. Oh well shit happens. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Never equalled

Guess I'll make this a photo-blog! A picture tells a thousand words innit? 

Don't you cry tonight!

"That emptiness you find on the streets is the same as emptiness in my heart."

"My little China men"

"Little skin" 

A little depth of field

God knows how much I miss this lad, Jai! Hardest bloke I've met. Sadly he's busy serving National Slavery. 

Monday, 30 September 2013


Darkest night of all. We're only lost fourteen year olds. Epic moment innit. 

 " We knew this day would come, we knew it all along. How did it, come so fast?"

Saturday, 7 September 2013


I miss BBQ. School's out and I really want to enjoy myself this long holiday. Wrote a bucket list! 

some memories of 2012 in Film. Would love to get Canon's film rangefinder camera, anyone has offers?

Friday, 23 August 2013


Those younger days with me mate. Have a laugh ey. 

Life is pretty good. Went to Ignite's first day event! Enjoyed it :) It's a gig for godsake. Enjoy the best out of it. Fuck the security to be honest. You don't expect the crowd to sit down and chill.....

After that, went straight to Music Festival at Substation. The Bois played their usual wicked set. It's been awhile since I've last seen them played.

It's a bloody Saturday! Can't expect to be home all day innit? 

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Beautiful - Syafiq Hassim

Oh my god. Look what I found! This was way back I think like two years ago? An original song. Loving me mate's voice. Those endless recording sessions, epic.

Political movement oh so very interesting.

There's a part of me who really wants to get back to the old days where things are just simply fun. Fun is good! No doubt about it but then again, you're putting someone's kid into danger. Who bares to see their love ones suffering? If you don't believe in Karma then you should re-consider. 

Always trying to get away from Class politics but I just can't. Always in need of something to say. Be it positive or negative comments. 

When someone sent you a pathetic audio note saying "Mary had a little lamb...knocks..laughs." That's not even scary mate, that's bloody stupid. You're not a seventeen year old lad who had late puberty, you're a bloody twenty year old. Sides of split personality? Can't be. Saying "14 August, everything would change" change mate...I don't see any. You can be weird all you want but what pisses me off is that you're acting all childish. Wise up, that's all I'm saying. But who am I to judge? That's your life, your problem. I'm just sharing because this is really interesting. Talking it out face to face always settles it.  

Sometimes I wonder does this considered as gossiping? Does this makes me a two faced bastard? Don't take me wrong, I am just expressing my thoughts into this blog, that's all. There's a burning sky overhead....and I just can't stop loving the show but I can't get involve because I always go over-board and won't know when to stop. 

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, in shitty country, a young lad was busy doing his daily work in his classroom. His mates were all busy chatting and playing around with lad named Ali. Ali said a few stupid comments which was so irrelevant that this young lad got up and literally beat the shit out of Ali. Hatred & pain took over that lad, kept on punching and kicking Ali in the head. It took about 4 of his mates to pin the young lad down because he went berserk. Get the point? I don't know who that fine lad is but damn what a cunt innit?

Oh god that is why I love Class politics. 

P.s as much as I want to care, I really don't. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Slowly taking it in.

July has been good to me. Blessed with lovely friends! It's sad that every good thing must come to an end. It's how you taking it all in. 
UT2.....especially programming, all hopes are lost. F for fucking failing. 

Hari Raya is coming in a week's time. Can't wait for the festive season. Good food! Good people! Good atmosphere! It's sad the month of Ramadhan is leaving us. This year's fasting month has been a journey of tough obstacles.

Got my cracked spoiled Iphone 5 changed! One to one exchange for $350. Pricey but still I need a phone so burn baby burn.  

Had a surprised celebration for my dearest mate, Wan. Which eventually failed but still loved the Swensen's Ice cream cake! Happy 19th Wan bon! Best mate ever! Through thick & thin. 

Yes, that sums up my July. It's all good!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Flower City

Definitely miss this. Quality lads from Bandung,Indonesia. It's all about the friendship & brotherhood that bonds us all together. 

Might return to Bandung in December for the tour...playing overseas...damn that's a huge step innit?

$$$$ flying everywhere....Saving for a new car! That's a long shot though. 
Hardwell on the 21st september! World Music festival too! Can't decide which one to take a piss on. 

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in"

Saturday, 13 July 2013


2 weeks have past and all things are good. School is always a cunt. Fasting month is here and yes, purity :) Aim for a full month of fasting and pure good deeds. And also self-control of everything. God willing, maybe it could be forever? 

Weekends are busy wasting with sleep. YES, SLEEP IS IMPORTANT TO ME. Well prolly because that's the only time I can sleep my heart out. Not forgetting I am a personal driver to my parents now. Sucks. This weekend I'll probably stay home and finish Emma & Edy's pre-wedding photoshoot edits. Got my film all ready, gotta start shoot! shoot! shoot! Photos are just memories that are worth keeping. 

Finally gonna ink soon. Yes the irony of being purity. 

No rush innit?

Saturday, 22 June 2013

one big loop

Alone, it gives you time to think. To find your actual self. To build yourself up. To see the world on your view. Right now, I am lost. 

Been really busy these few days! Had a great time catching up with the lads. All they could talk about was National Service. Can't really blame e'm! 

Made my mum & dad proud by spending my Saturday indoors. Such a rare sight I guess? Probably grab a few drinks with my mates & get my haircut done! Sometimes you just have to trust your mate for cutting your hair! *fingers crossed* Going for that "Pompadour hairstyle. Looks like a proper cut innit? Not too sure about the rockabilly look and all but fuck the rockers. ;)

Been reading this wonderful book called "Dajjal : The Anti-Christ" Which also means the False messiah. A really good book! Not strong in religion but it's good to know what's going to happen to this Illuminated world order ;)

UT was such a disaster. Utterly disappointed. Pissed with the time duration actually. Bloody fourty-five minutes. You can't finish in fourty-five minutes you twats. 

Birthdays! SO MANY BIRTHDAYS COMING UP! Damn son. HAPPY ADVANCE 18th BIRTHDAY TO MA LITTLE CLASSMATE AH JOY, Joyce. She is actually pretty cheeky when she's drunk. Scary that one. Speaking of birthdays, mine is coming up soon! doubt anyone would remember it because I tend to be confidential about it. -laffs- I rather be special everyday than just one day. So should everyone else. 

Hope to be driving on the road pretty soon! 1 more week! Pressure is on! Failing would be adding the pressure to the whole situation. 

It's matchday today! But the lads and myself decide to pull out because bloody hell, can't get any tickets at all! Bloody gloryhunters everywhere. Just because of one game, you think you're an avid fan of football. Well bollocks to you pal. I don't really like to talk about football because what happens at football stays at football. You would never understand. :)

Having a gig on the 7th of July. It's been like a month or two since I last played! It's good to be back on the stage. Making music was all I ever wanted! Putting life experiences into a song. Should be good innit? I don't really like talking about music with my classmates even though it's Sonic Arts because bloody hell there are LOTS of talented lads & lasses I know in class. Envy them a lot. It's a pity that I can't sing! Sucks to be me. 

Love? Well that side of me doesn't give a shit about it right now. If it happens, it happens. Stupid ideology innit. All I know is that I love everyone. SERIOUSLY EVERYONE. I DONT KNOW YOU BUT I LOVE YOU. HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE OK Immature. 

Another shit thing is that I don't have any clobbers left to wear. The most shitty feeling ever. I can't wear the same clothing twice. That's just fucked. Sorry I live my life on details. ;) ONLINE SHOPPING FTW. Well simply because Sg local doesn't bring in bigger sizes. =(

Well that's pretty much it for ranting about everything! Till next time,wankers. 

p.s Masturbation is good. -laffs- 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

3 Birthdays

It's not easy! Juggling everything all up! Still finding the balance in time. 

Happy Birthday to my dearest classmate, Yvonne Grace Chua!

Happy Birthday to my dearest mate, Izmi!

last but not least Happy Birthday to my sista from another mother, Zoe! DONG SENG AHHHHHHH! 

I know you lads & lasses won't read this but I'm sorry for not being there to celebrate your wonderful birthdays! 

Till then chao sai motherfucks. 

P.s UT is tomorrow....where's ma notes at?

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Daddy mummy brother sister uncle aunt cousin step that

I can't say things that I don't mean. Yes I am a fucked up son. Look who raised me? :)

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sometimes you have to leave the things that you love doing for a better purpose. It saddens me to leave it behind. 

Happy go lucky.

life through tinted lens. 

I WANT MORE. Simple as that innit. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

No one wants to see your scene crumbling I'll say what the fack I wanna say. 

Last year 

"The fashion may change but the ideology remains the same."

Monday, 3 June 2013

"Where were you when we were getting high?" - Oasis

Short stories

2008 -2009?

Remember when you bailed me out and you asked me why am I doing all this?  Then I said you were running finding somewhere safe where the cunts kept running and having a go at us. Young fourteen & fifthteen year old lads afraid of what is happening at that time. Balls were left hanging high on our throats. Then I said let's have a good one and see what happens. Lost our mind didn't we. Remember when you said, what ever happens don't fall because you're done but fall because you know you're satisfied. Didn't knew what that meant though. Bruises, cuts everywhere. Sore we were. And we knew it was all because of what we wore. Fucking proud lads we were. The best part I don't remember this shit ever happened. 

"Don't leave because it's dying but leave at it's peak because you're done creating something small yet effective"

You're on your own.

What a summer it has been! 2 more weeks of vacation. Wisely spend it shall be. 

Roddy Moreno from "The Oppressed" back in 2011/12? I was definitely gone in this one. 

What I realize is that the truth does hurt. But come on! Go hard or go home! Always accept the fact that things won't go your way! Everyone is fighting for survival. Look at your fucking government! Look at your bloody media & look at your leaders! It's ripping us apart slowly and surely. I'm not being political but god have you eyes to see....use them. The reason why we're still here doing our thing is because we're aware of the situation that is happening, we're improvising and definitely improving. You can't be clueless everywhere you go. The world is changing and the fact that "they" say it's going to fine and 'they' would take good care of us is a whole lot of bullshit. That's the underground lads for ya. Making local gigs to showcase good quality local bands, different scenes, different background coming together having a bloody good time. We're not all about drinking, fighting, football, sex & violence. We know where we're coming from. "Don't judge it's book by it's cover" Even a guy who lives on the street with anarchy in his heart knows more than you. Saturday.....I just want to have fun. hehe Saturday Service.

Friday, 31 May 2013

 I know we're not in good terms in the past, but I'm glad everything is working out for us. I pray everyday that you won't leave this world so early. Don't leave me hanging like this. To know that  you could leave us anytime  is a thought which I don't want to see. I don't give a shit about your money, but your health is wealth. I want you to see me grow up, I want you to see me graduate, I want to see me get married(hopefully) & I want you to carry my first child. Because I am still scared to be alone without your guidance and wisdom. Your teachings made me wiser and I'm still afraid. Hang in there, I'll always be by your side. I don't have the guts to say this infront of your face but I love you dad. Stay strong. You shall return to the almighty but not now please. =(


No matter if you're feeling lost, happy, confuse or even sad, never forget your roots. He'll guide you to a better path of life. 

Purity - note to self.

A little sense

Feeling so left out that you started pick a fight.

Feeling so smart that you start to humiliate people to break that A student  reputation. 

With so much anger and hatred that you started to go beyond your limits.

Feeling hurt countless times that you started to becoming heartless. 

Feeling one-upmanship from the rest that you started a whole new revolution  and left at it's peak because you feel everyone is becoming one, why should you? 

With so much passion in you that you decided to be a part of something so new yet so street-smart. Being part with the finest lads around. Quality people, Quality clobbers. 

With so much free time around you started wasting your life in nightclubs, pubs, football grounds so that you'll get a good ruck out of it. 

Feeling so lost that you finally found your identity. 

This is chapter one, lads. 

State of mind.

Never had the chance of bringing you to places that I thought you and I could discover and live in the moments. 

The feeling of hope? 
Yes I hope. 

Two worlds collide yet they're so happy. 

Risk it all or play it safe? 

"You listen to the devil while I make friends with him."

Monday, 27 May 2013

Sky is the limit as they would say.

Sometimes you just wanna look up at the skies and just chill the fuck out. 

So far so good?

Had a bloody good time last night. Get to spend time with my ponies and my lovely swedish babe. 
It's also time to get new clobbers!

'Good life' - Massimo tawfiq o axendre pierre.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Is it time to hang those shoes?

A shocking loss for us today. We thought we could have win it all. I always hate this feeling. The feeling of letting your team and yourself down. Sometimes I think, should I still play this sport? The feeling of hurt is always there. I don't want anymore further disappointments. Feeling terribly down. 

On the other side, I'm finally getting my fitness back on track. I won't say you'll see a slimmer me but hopefully a fitter me. The physical part is good enough to handle.....but the eating...bloody hell I can't control! 27th of July = RESULT DAY. We'll see. 

P.s Can't simply say no to a challenge. 

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Omg You're so hip!

A t-shirt design I made a few years back. But still not in production yet. Would really love to wear this. This is how I feel about you tossers. Heh

Good or bad?

Saktis "the dark knight" Warren.  My Lad. Good times. 

They said I've changed ever since I stepped into another school. They said I'm not how I used to be back then. 2 years have gone & everyone are leaving just like that. They said I've lost my maturity. sigh pie honey american pie.

Could you be heartless?

When you develop hatred through the years, you'll become heartless. Just like the system.........

"Fuck the media, God gave you eyes but you're blind to see" - The bois


" Haters gonna hate, you're not the one who decides our fate" - The Ruffians

P.s This is bloody addictive. 


Why hooligan? Some might ask the same question. What's your definition of a hooligan? No it's not creating chaos on the street and acting all tough and shit. It's a struggle between himself and the streets.....the people...fucking wankers. Plus it's just a name. Stereotypers everywhere. Can't blame e'm. 

A dreSSer for all I know. You lot won't understand. 

It's a start.

It's a start of this blog. Thanks to my laaaavvv swedish meatballs Clara xoxo. 
life is empty just like in the photo. You don't know what to expect. Bloody hell I'm loving every bit :) 
Quote of the day - "Good things will happen if you wait"

p.s This are my personal thoughts. Any comments, suggestions can be said directly to me. cheers lovelies.