Alone, it gives you time to think. To find your actual self. To build yourself up. To see the world on your view. Right now, I am lost.
Been really busy these few days! Had a great time catching up with the lads. All they could talk about was National Service. Can't really blame e'm!
Made my mum & dad proud by spending my Saturday indoors. Such a rare sight I guess? Probably grab a few drinks with my mates & get my haircut done! Sometimes you just have to trust your mate for cutting your hair! *fingers crossed* Going for that "Pompadour hairstyle. Looks like a proper cut innit? Not too sure about the rockabilly look and all but fuck the rockers. ;)
Been reading this wonderful book called "Dajjal : The Anti-Christ" Which also means the False messiah. A really good book! Not strong in religion but it's good to know what's going to happen to this Illuminated world order ;)
UT was such a disaster. Utterly disappointed. Pissed with the time duration actually. Bloody fourty-five minutes. You can't finish in fourty-five minutes you twats.
Birthdays! SO MANY BIRTHDAYS COMING UP! Damn son. HAPPY ADVANCE 18th BIRTHDAY TO MA LITTLE CLASSMATE AH JOY, Joyce. She is actually pretty cheeky when she's drunk. Scary that one. Speaking of birthdays, mine is coming up soon! doubt anyone would remember it because I tend to be confidential about it. -laffs- I rather be special everyday than just one day. So should everyone else.
Hope to be driving on the road pretty soon! 1 more week! Pressure is on! Failing would be adding the pressure to the whole situation.
It's matchday today! But the lads and myself decide to pull out because bloody hell, can't get any tickets at all! Bloody gloryhunters everywhere. Just because of one game, you think you're an avid fan of football. Well bollocks to you pal. I don't really like to talk about football because what happens at football stays at football. You would never understand. :)
Having a gig on the 7th of July. It's been like a month or two since I last played! It's good to be back on the stage. Making music was all I ever wanted! Putting life experiences into a song. Should be good innit? I don't really like talking about music with my classmates even though it's Sonic Arts because bloody hell there are LOTS of talented lads & lasses I know in class. Envy them a lot. It's a pity that I can't sing! Sucks to be me.
Love? Well that side of me doesn't give a shit about it right now. If it happens, it happens. Stupid ideology innit. All I know is that I love everyone. SERIOUSLY EVERYONE. I DONT KNOW YOU BUT I LOVE YOU. HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE OK Immature.
Another shit thing is that I don't have any clobbers left to wear. The most shitty feeling ever. I can't wear the same clothing twice. That's just fucked. Sorry I live my life on details. ;) ONLINE SHOPPING FTW. Well simply because Sg local doesn't bring in bigger sizes. =(
Well that's pretty much it for ranting about everything! Till next time,wankers.
p.s Masturbation is good. -laffs-
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