Friday, 23 August 2013


Those younger days with me mate. Have a laugh ey. 

Life is pretty good. Went to Ignite's first day event! Enjoyed it :) It's a gig for godsake. Enjoy the best out of it. Fuck the security to be honest. You don't expect the crowd to sit down and chill.....

After that, went straight to Music Festival at Substation. The Bois played their usual wicked set. It's been awhile since I've last seen them played.

It's a bloody Saturday! Can't expect to be home all day innit? 

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Beautiful - Syafiq Hassim

Oh my god. Look what I found! This was way back I think like two years ago? An original song. Loving me mate's voice. Those endless recording sessions, epic.

Political movement oh so very interesting.

There's a part of me who really wants to get back to the old days where things are just simply fun. Fun is good! No doubt about it but then again, you're putting someone's kid into danger. Who bares to see their love ones suffering? If you don't believe in Karma then you should re-consider. 

Always trying to get away from Class politics but I just can't. Always in need of something to say. Be it positive or negative comments. 

When someone sent you a pathetic audio note saying "Mary had a little lamb...knocks..laughs." That's not even scary mate, that's bloody stupid. You're not a seventeen year old lad who had late puberty, you're a bloody twenty year old. Sides of split personality? Can't be. Saying "14 August, everything would change" change mate...I don't see any. You can be weird all you want but what pisses me off is that you're acting all childish. Wise up, that's all I'm saying. But who am I to judge? That's your life, your problem. I'm just sharing because this is really interesting. Talking it out face to face always settles it.  

Sometimes I wonder does this considered as gossiping? Does this makes me a two faced bastard? Don't take me wrong, I am just expressing my thoughts into this blog, that's all. There's a burning sky overhead....and I just can't stop loving the show but I can't get involve because I always go over-board and won't know when to stop. 

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, in shitty country, a young lad was busy doing his daily work in his classroom. His mates were all busy chatting and playing around with lad named Ali. Ali said a few stupid comments which was so irrelevant that this young lad got up and literally beat the shit out of Ali. Hatred & pain took over that lad, kept on punching and kicking Ali in the head. It took about 4 of his mates to pin the young lad down because he went berserk. Get the point? I don't know who that fine lad is but damn what a cunt innit?

Oh god that is why I love Class politics. 

P.s as much as I want to care, I really don't. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Slowly taking it in.

July has been good to me. Blessed with lovely friends! It's sad that every good thing must come to an end. It's how you taking it all in. 
UT2.....especially programming, all hopes are lost. F for fucking failing. 

Hari Raya is coming in a week's time. Can't wait for the festive season. Good food! Good people! Good atmosphere! It's sad the month of Ramadhan is leaving us. This year's fasting month has been a journey of tough obstacles.

Got my cracked spoiled Iphone 5 changed! One to one exchange for $350. Pricey but still I need a phone so burn baby burn.  

Had a surprised celebration for my dearest mate, Wan. Which eventually failed but still loved the Swensen's Ice cream cake! Happy 19th Wan bon! Best mate ever! Through thick & thin. 

Yes, that sums up my July. It's all good!