Monday 3 March 2014

"No eyes but who cares? I'm madly in love with you."

Have not been blogging that much because yes! I am busy in the real world. Life's been treating me fairly so far. 

"It's these feelings or emotions that you can't put into words. I rather show it."

Have yet to develop my recent films! Can't wait for the pictures!

Sunday 26 January 2014

"You make me so happy. It's this feeling in my heart that I can't explain."

Sunday 12 January 2014

Guess we'll meet again ey lads for ze house party perhaps? 

It's January 2014....nothing much really. The end of the year tour was bloody amazing. Really enjoyed myself. It's sad that i didn't get to spent my last moments with loved ones. What's the change for 2014? Still the same old same old...keeping fit -laffs- 

New year, new clobbers. Gotta be the finest lads around right? 

Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat

p.s looking at ya always brighten up my day. 

Sunday 22 December 2013

2013 is finally coming to an end. Faster than I expected! What have a achieved the past 1 year? Damn son. Well to be honest I can't wait to start 2014. Hopefully better times will come and make us all happy. 

So it's best making peace with the things you've done in 2013 before it actually ends! It's sad that I'm spending my new year out of the country away from my family and friends. 

I thought this 2 weeks of holidays is for us to have our deserving breaks....But bloody hell weeks are packed with full of events and activities. Got to finish up Sound Design's UT2 project...Why don't the school just give us protools....basket gotta go up and down just to edit tracks. Still, can't wait for that! 

" I hate leaving you and being away from you. Can't wait for what's to come in the future. Sometimes I just wanna star gaze with ya but sadly this is a shit country and people aren't allowed to express themselves."  

Friday 13 December 2013

Every moment spent with's like I'm falling in love again. 

Sunday 17 November 2013

"When the daylight comes, I would have to go but tonight I want to hold you so close" - Maroon 5

Saturday 26 October 2013

Probably the band's new logo. Can't wait for the Indonesian tour later in December! 

October has been great so far. Still adapting to the classes and modules. It really sucks knowing you're not with your classmates anymore. Everyday is meeting new lads & lasses which I am ok with but it's not the same. Nothing last forever innit? I am loving my Fridays now. Hehe met a few great people whom I would love to get to know more about! Well it's only the first week....anything could happen. It's the lovely weekend and I spent it watching 4 seasons of Friends on me bed. It's getting a little bit addictive I'll say. I really need to have a couple of pints with the lads though. Everyone is so busy with National Slavery, work & school. I feel like I am slacking most of the time. It also sucks knowing that I won't be able to play for "POLITE" this year...what a disappointment. Oh well shit happens.